
Edit the template files. I do plan on doing template tags in the future for a better experience but this is just how it is for now.

All that you absolutely need is to load the wagtail_eventcalendar/css/fullcalendar.min.css at the top of the page. You will need to load wagtail_eventcalendar/js/jquery.min.js and wagtail_eventcalendar/js/moment.min.js before wagtail_podcast/js/fullcalendar.min.js static files in the wagtail_eventcalendar/event_calendar.html and wagtail_eventcalendar/event_calendar_category.html templates.

To actually render the calendar add the following:

<div id='calendar'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
            header: {center: 'month,agendaWeek,upcoming'},
            timeFormat: 'H(:mm)',
            nowIndicator: true,
            timezone: 'Africa/Johannesburg', //Change as necessary
            eventColor: "#f8f9fa", //Change as necessary
            eventTextColor: "#9c27b0", //Change as necessary
            businessHours: [{
                dow: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                start: '08:00',
                end: '13:00'
            }, //change as necessary
                    dow: [7],
                    start: '10:00',
                    end: '11:00'
            views: {
                upcoming: {
                    type: 'list',
                    duration: {months: 2},
                    buttonText: 'Upcoming', //translate as necessary
                    validRange: function (nowDate) {
                        return {
                            start: nowDate,
                            end: nowDate.clone().add(1, 'months')
            // put your options and callbacks here
            events: '{{ page.get_url }}events/'

There is plenty of customisation available of both how the calendar looks and functions, see: FullCalendar JS docs . In the above snippet of code you’ll see that i added come comment that give you a decent starting point.